Proposed Rezone

The Town of Nokomis is currently looking at rezoning all the property in the township.  Currently the township is zoned general.

The link of “Nokomis Proposed Zoning 2023” is a map that will show how each parcel will be zoned should the rezoned be accepted.

The link of “Oneida County zoning and Shoreline Protection Ordinance” gives a description of purpose, permitted uses, prohibited uses, administrative review uses, and conditional uses associated to how the parcel is zoned.

The Town of Nokomis will be sending a letter to every known taxpayer for the opportunity to request a revision to the zone that was picked for their property if they so choose. This will also be announced on WJJQ.

Nokomis Proposed Zoning 2023

Oneida County zoning and Shoreline Protection Ordinance

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